
Browser Integration - EagleGet Wiki

Open Chrome, type chrome://extensions/ into the URL bar, and check if EagleGet downloader extension is enabled, if not Enable it and Allow access to file url's ...

Download EagleGet Downloader 2.2.80 CRX File for Chrome

Direct Download EagleGet Downloader v2.2.80 CRX File (Free Productivity Extension for Chrome or Chromium based Browsers)

Eagle for Chrome

This extension makes it easy to save images and save screenshots to Eagle App.


EagleGet is a Download Manager software used to download videos, images, files, music, documents etc. Supporting a wide range of file formats, this EagleGet ...

EagleGet for Windows

EagleGet is a download manager that can be fully integrated with all of the major browsers: Firefox, Internet Explorer and Google Chrome.

EagleGet Free Downloader

With the help of this app you can download various files from the Internet and integrate it into Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Opera. It ...

EagleGet 獵鷹下載器2.1.5.10 免安裝中文版( 安裝版)

2020年3月18日 — - EagleGet can be integrated to Chrome, IE, Firefox, Opera, and uses ... EagleGet is the first freeware download manager that supports automatic ...

EagleGet 獵鷹下載器|2023 新版下載+使用教學|支援多線程

2020年12月20日 — EagleGet 是一款免費實用的「檔案下載」軟體,官方提供安裝、免安裝兩種版本,功能方面除了支援「多線程檔案下載、管理排程」,還提供「影片(視訊) 偵 ...

好用的多功能下載軟體《EagleGet》(獵鷹),輕鬆幫你下載檔案 ...

EagleGet在安裝後會直接與Edge、IE、Chrome、Firefox及Opera等5種瀏覽器整合,當你點選檔案下載時就會自動開啟EagleGet來下載,並自動啟動多線程來加快下載速度,是個相當 ...


OpenChrome,typechrome://extensions/intotheURLbar,andcheckifEagleGetdownloaderextensionisenabled,ifnotEnableitandAllowaccesstofileurl's ...,DirectDownloadEagleGetDownloaderv2.2.80CRXFile(FreeProductivityExtensionforChromeorChromiumbasedBrowsers),ThisextensionmakesiteasytosaveimagesandsavescreenshotstoEagleApp.,EagleGetisaDownloadManagersoftwareusedtodownloadvideos,images,files,music,documentset...

Prozilla - Linux文字模式下多線下載工具

Prozilla - Linux文字模式下多線下載工具
